Friday 25 November 2016

18th-And-19th-Century Revolution

Hey guys! I hope everyone having a good day Today.
Let's we talk about[18-19 Century Revolution] In Summary!

Socialism, and especially Communism are frequently associated with the idea of revolution-not necessarily sudden and violent uprising, but certainly radical social and economic change. At the end of the 18th century, the American Revolution embodied the idea of liberty and rights that were the foundation of liberlism, but in the French Revolution(maybe because of Rousseau's influence) the rallying cry was 'Liberté,égalite,fraternité', placing the emphasis more on equality and collectivity.

Socialism and Communism emerged in Europe against a backdrop of revolution in 1848.

It is no coincidence that the Communist Manifesto was written in the same year, and not long after, in 1871, the truly socialist revolution took place in France, establishing a revolutionary socialist government, the Paris Commune. The Commune was described at the time by Karl Marx as a model for revolutionary government and inspired a number of similar uprising in France and elsewhere.


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